
This mini tutorial will serve as an entry point into TwitchIO 3. After it you should have a small working bot and a basic understanding of TwitchIO.

If you haven’t already installed TwitchIO 3, please check Installing.

Creating a Twitch Application

  1. Browse to Twitch Developer Console and Create an Application

  2. Add: http://localhost:4343/oauth/callback as the callback URL

  3. Make a note of your CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.

A Minimal bot

For this example we will be using sqlite3 as our token database. Since TwitchIO 3 is fully asynchronous we will be using asqlite as our library of choice.

pip install -U git+https://github.com/Rapptz/asqlite.git

Before running the code below, there just a couple more steps we need to take.

  1. Create a new Twitch account. This will be the dedicated bot account.

  2. Enter your CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET, BOT_ID and OWNER_ID into the placeholders in the below example.

  3. Comment out everything in setup_hook.

  4. Run the bot.

  5. Open a new browser / incognito mode, log in as the bot account and visit http://localhost:4343/oauth?scopes=user:read:chat%20user:write:chat%20user:bot

  6. In your main browser whilst logged in as your account, visit http://localhost:4343/oauth?scopes=channel:bot

  7. Stop the bot and uncomment everything in setup_hook.

  8. Start the bot.

You only have to do this sequence of steps once. Or if the scopes need to change.

import asyncio
import logging
import sqlite3

import asqlite
import twitchio
from twitchio.ext import commands
from twitchio import eventsub

LOGGER: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger("Bot")

CLIENT_ID: str = "..." # The CLIENT ID from the Twitch Dev Console
CLIENT_SECRET: str = "..." # The CLIENT SECRET from the Twitch Dev Console
BOT_ID = "..."  # The Account ID of the bot user...
OWNER_ID = "..."  # Your personal User ID..

class Bot(commands.Bot):
    def __init__(self, *, token_database: asqlite.Pool) -> None:
        self.token_database = token_database

    async def setup_hook(self) -> None:
        # Add our component which contains our commands...
        await self.add_component(MyComponent(self))

        # Subscribe to read chat (event_message) from our channel as the bot...
        # This creates and opens a websocket to Twitch EventSub...
        subscription = eventsub.ChatMessageSubscription(broadcaster_user_id=OWNER_ID, user_id=BOT_ID)
        await self.subscribe_websocket(payload=subscription)

        # Subscribe and listen to when a stream goes live..
        # For this example listen to our own stream...
        subscription = eventsub.StreamOnlineSubscription(broadcaster_user_id=OWNER_ID)
        await self.subscribe_websocket(payload=subscription)

    async def add_token(self, token: str, refresh: str) -> twitchio.authentication.ValidateTokenPayload:
        # Make sure to call super() as it will add the tokens interally and return us some data...
        resp: twitchio.authentication.ValidateTokenPayload = await super().add_token(token, refresh)

        # Store our tokens in a simple SQLite Database when they are authorized...
        query = """
        INSERT INTO tokens (user_id, token, refresh)
        VALUES (?, ?, ?)
        ON CONFLICT(user_id)
            token = excluded.token,
            refresh = excluded.refresh;

        async with self.token_database.acquire() as connection:
            await connection.execute(query, (resp.user_id, token, refresh))

        LOGGER.info("Added token to the database for user: %s", resp.user_id)
        return resp

    async def load_tokens(self, path: str | None = None) -> None:
        # We don't need to call this manually, it is called in .login() from .start() internally...

        async with self.token_database.acquire() as connection:
            rows: list[sqlite3.Row] = await connection.fetchall("""SELECT * from tokens""")

        for row in rows:
            await self.add_token(row["token"], row["refresh"])

    async def setup_database(self) -> None:
        # Create our token table, if it doesn't exist..
        query = """CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tokens(user_id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, token TEXT NOT NULL, refresh TEXT NOT NULL)"""
        async with self.token_database.acquire() as connection:
            await connection.execute(query)

    async def event_ready(self) -> None:
        LOGGER.info("Successfully logged in as: %s", self.bot_id)

class MyComponent(commands.Component):
    def __init__(self, bot: Bot):
        # Passing args is not required...
        # We pass bot here as an example...
        self.bot = bot

    # We use a listener in our Component to display the messages received.
    async def event_message(self, payload: twitchio.ChatMessage) -> None:
        print(f"[{payload.broadcaster.name}] - {payload.chatter.name}: {payload.text}")

    @commands.command(aliases=["hello", "howdy", "hey"])
    async def hi(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
        """Simple command that says hello!

        !hi, !hello, !howdy, !hey
        await ctx.reply(f"Hello {ctx.chatter.mention}!")

    async def socials(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
        """Group command for our social links.

        await ctx.send("discord.gg/..., youtube.com/..., twitch.tv/...")

    async def socials_discord(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
        """Sub command of socials that sends only our discord invite.

        !socials discord
        await ctx.send("discord.gg/...")

    async def say(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, content: str) -> None:
        """Moderator only command which repeats back what you say.

        !say hello world, !repeat I am cool LUL
        await ctx.send(content)

    async def event_stream_online(self, payload: twitchio.StreamOnline) -> None:
        # Event dispatched when a user goes live from the subscription we made above...

        # Keep in mind we are assuming this is for ourselves
        # others may not want your bot randomly sending messages...
        await payload.broadcaster.send_message(
            message=f"Hi... {payload.broadcaster}! You are live!",

def main() -> None:

    async def runner() -> None:
        async with asqlite.create_pool("tokens.db") as tdb, Bot(token_database=tdb) as bot:
            await bot.setup_database()
            await bot.start()

    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        LOGGER.warning("Shutting down due to KeyboardInterrupt...")

if __name__ == "__main__":