
class twitchio.ext.commands.Command(callback: Callable[Concatenate[Component_T, Context, P], Coro] | Callable[Concatenate[Context, P], Coro], *, name: str, **kwargs: Unpack[CommandOptions])

The TwitchIO commands.Command class.

These are usually not created manually, instead see:

property component: Optional[Component_T]

Property returning the Component associated with this command or None if there is not one.

property parent: Optional[Group[Component_T, P]]

Property returning the Group this sub-command belongs to or None if it is not apart of a group.

property name: str

Property returning the name of this command.

property relative_name: str

Property returning the name of this command relative to it’s direct parent, if it has one.

E.g. Closely equivalent to "{} {name}".

If this command has no parent, this simply returns the name.

property full_parent_name: str

Property returning the fully qualified name for all the parents for this command.

This takes into account the full parent hierarchy. If this command has no parents, this will be an empty str.

E.g Closely equivalent to "{} {}".

property qualified_name: str

Property returning the fully qualified name for this command.

This takes into account the parent hierarchy. If this command has no parent, this simply returns the name.

E.g. Closely equivalent to "{} {} {name}".

This would be the string you would need to send minus the command prefix to invoke this command.

property aliases: list[str]

Property returning a copy of the list of aliases associated with this command, if it has any set.

Could be an empty list if no aliases have been set.

property extras: mappingproxy[Any, Any]

Property returning the extras stored on this command as MappingProxyType.

Extras is a dict that can contain any information, and is stored on the command object for future retrieval.

property has_error: bool

Property returning a bool, indicating whether this command has any local error handlers.

property guards: list[[..., bool] |[...,[Any, Any, bool]]]

Property returning a list of command specific guard()’s added.

property callback: Callable[Concatenate[Component_T, Context, P], Coro] | Callable[Concatenate[Context, P], Coro]

Property returning the coroutine callback used in invocation. E.g. the function you wrap with command().

@ error(func:[[twitchio.ext.commands.types_.Component_T, twitchio.ext.commands.core.CommandErrorPayload],[Any, Any, None]] |[[twitchio.ext.commands.core.CommandErrorPayload],[Any, Any, None]])[[twitchio.ext.commands.types_.Component_T, twitchio.ext.commands.core.CommandErrorPayload],[Any, Any, None]] |[[twitchio.ext.commands.core.CommandErrorPayload],[Any, Any, None]]

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a local error handler to this command.

Similar to event_command_error() except local to this command.

class twitchio.ext.commands.Group(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

The TwitchIO commands.Command class.

These are usually not created manually, instead see:

walk_commands() Generator[Union[Command[Component_T, P], Group[Component_T, P]]]

A generator which recursively walks through the sub-commands and sub-groups of this group.

@ command(name: str | None = None, aliases: list[str] | None = None, extras: dict[Any, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a Command as a sub-command to this group.

See: command for more information on commands


# When added to a Bot or used in a component you can invoke this group and sub-commands with your prefix, E.g:
# !socials
# !socials discord OR !socials twitch
# When invoke_fallback is True, the parent command will be invoked if a sub-command cannot be found..."socials", invoke_fallback=True)
async def socials_group(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send(",, ...")

@socials_group.command(name="discord", aliases=["disco"])
async def socials_discord(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send("")

async def socials_twitch(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send("")
  • name (str | None) – An optional custom name to use for this sub-command. If this is None or not passed, the coroutine function name will be used instead.

  • aliases (list[str] | None) – An optional list of aliases to use for this command.

  • extras (dict) – A dict of any data which is stored on this command object. Can be used anywhere you have access to the command object, E.g. in a before or after hook.

  • guards_after_parsing (bool) – An optional bool, indicating whether to run guards after argument parsing has completed. Defaults to False, which means guards will be checked before command arguments are parsed and available.

  • cooldowns_before_guards (bool) – An optional bool, indicating whether to run cooldown guards after all other guards succeed. Defaults to False, which means cooldowns will be checked after all guards have successfully completed.

  • bypass_global_guards (bool) – An optional bool, indicating whether the command should bypass the global_guard(). Defaults to False.

@ group(name: str | None = None, aliases: list[str] | None = None, extras: dict[Any, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a Group as a sub-group to this group.


# When added to a Bot or used in a component you can invoke this group and sub-commands with your prefix, E.g:
# !socials
# !socials discord OR !socials twitch
# !socials discord one OR !socials discord two
# When invoke_fallback is True, the parent command will be invoked if a sub-command cannot be found..."socials", invoke_fallback=True)
async def socials_group(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send(",, ...")

async def socials_twitch(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send("")

# Add a group to our parent group which further separates the commands..."discord", aliases=["disco"], invoke_fallback=True)
async def socials_discord(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send(",")

@socials_discord.command(name="one", aliases=["1"])
async def socials_discord_one(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send("")

@socials_discord.command(name="two", aliases=["2"])
async def socials_discord_two(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send("")
  • name (str | None) – An optional custom name to use for this group. If this is None or not passed, the coroutine function name will be used instead.

  • aliases (list[str] | None) – An optional list of aliases to use for this group.

  • extras (dict) – A dict of any data which is stored on this command object. Can be used anywhere you have access to the command object, E.g. in a before or after hook.

  • invoke_fallback (bool) – An optional bool which tells the parent to be invoked as a fallback when no sub-command can be found. Defaults to False.

  • apply_cooldowns (bool) – An optional bool indicating whether the cooldowns on this group are checked before invoking any sub commands. Defaults to True.

  • apply_guards (bool) – An optional bool indicating whether the guards on this group should be ran before invoking any sub commands. Defaults to True.

class twitchio.ext.commands.Context(message: ChatMessage, *, bot: Bot)

The Context class constructed when a message is received and processed via the event_message() event in a Bot.

This object is available in all Command’s, Groups’s and associated sub-commands and all command related events. It is also included in various areas relating to command invocation, including, Guards and Before and After Hooks.

The Context class is a useful tool which provides information surrounding the command invocation, the broadcaster and chatter involved and provides many useful methods and properties for ease of us.

Usually you wouldn’t construct this class this yourself, however it could be subclassed to implement custom functionality or constructed from a message received via EventSub in event_message().

property message: ChatMessage

Proptery of the message object that this context is built from. This is the ChatMessage received via EventSub from the chatter.

property component: Component | None

Property returning the Component that this context was used in, if the Command belongs to it. This is only set once a Command has been found and invoked.

property command: Command[Any, ...] | None

Property returning the Command associated with this context, if found.

This is only set when a command begins invocation. Could be None if the command has not started invocation, or one was not found.

property invoked_subcommand: Command[Any, ...] | None

Property returning the subcommand associated with this context if their is one.

Returns None when a standard command without a parent Group is invoked.

property invoked_with: str | None

Property returning the string the context used to attempt to find a valid Command.

Could be None if a command has not been invoked from this context yet.

property chatter: Chatter

Property returning the twitchio.PartialUser who sent the ChatMessage in the channel that this context is built from.

property author: Chatter

Alias to chatter.

property broadcaster: PartialUser

Property returning the twitchio.PartialUser who is the broadcaster of the channel associated with this context.

property source_broadcaster: PartialUser | None

Property returning the twitchio.PartialUser who is the broadcaster of the channel associated with the original ChatMessage. This will usually always be None as the default behaviour is to ignore shared messages when invoking commands.

property channel: PartialUser

An alias to broadcaster.

property bot: Bot

Property returning the Bot object.

property prefix: str | None

Property returning the prefix associated with this context or None.

This will only return a prefix after the context has been prepared, which occurs during invocation of a command, and after a valid prefix found.

property content: str

Property returning the raw content of the message associated with this context.

property args: list[Any]

A list of arguments processed and passed to the Command callback.

This is only set after the command begins invocation.

property kwargs: dict[str, Any]

A dict of keyword-arguments processed and passed to the Command callback.

This is only set after the command begins invocation.

property failed: bool

Property indicating whether the context failed to invoke the associated command.

is_owner() bool

Method which returns whether the chatter associated with this context is the owner of the bot.


You must have set the owner_id correctly first, otherwise this method will return False.


Whether the chatter that this context is associated with is the owner of this bot.

Return type


is_valid() bool

Method which indicates whether this context is valid. E.g. hasa valid command prefix.

async invoke() bool | None

This function is a coroutine.

Invoke and process the command associated with this message context if it is valid.

This method first prepares the context for invocation, and checks whether the context has a valid command with a valid prefix.


Usually you wouldn’t use this method yourself, as it handled by TwitchIO interanally when process_commands() is called in a twitchio.event_message() event.


Due to the way this method works, the only error raised will be CommandNotFound. All other errors that occur will be sent to the twitchio.event_command_error() event.


  • bool – If this method explicitly returns False the context is not valid. E.g. has no valid command prefix. When True the command successfully completed invocation without error.

  • None – Returned when the command is found and begins to process. This does not indicate the command was completed successfully. See also twitchio.event_command_completed() for an event fired when a command successfully completes the invocation process.


CommandNotFound – The Command trying to be invoked could not be found.

async send(content: str, *, me: bool = False) SentMessage

This function is a coroutine.

Send a chat message to the channel associated with this context.


You must have the user:write:chat scope. If an app access token is used, then additionally requires the user:bot scope on the bot, and either channel:bot scope from the broadcaster or moderator status.

See: … for more information.

  • content (str) – The content of the message you would like to send. This cannot exceed 500 characters. Additionally the content parameter will be stripped of all leading and trailing whitespace.

  • me (bool) – An optional bool indicating whether you would like to send this message with the /me chat command.


The payload received by Twitch after sending this message.

Return type


  • HTTPException – Twitch failed to process the message, could be 400, 401, 403, 422 or any 5xx status code.

  • MessageRejectedError – Twitch rejected the message from various checks.

async reply(content: str, *, me: bool = False) SentMessage

This function is a coroutine.

Send a chat message as a reply to the user who this message is associated with and to the channel associated with this context.


You must have the user:write:chat scope. If an app access token is used, then additionally requires the user:bot scope on the bot, and either channel:bot scope from the broadcaster or moderator status.

See: … for more information.

  • content (str) – The content of the message you would like to send. This cannot exceed 500 characters. Additionally the content parameter will be stripped of all leading and trailing whitespace.

  • me (bool) – An optional bool indicating whether you would like to send this message with the /me chat command.


The payload received by Twitch after sending this message.

Return type


  • HTTPException – Twitch failed to process the message, could be 400, 401, 403, 422 or any 5xx status code.

  • MessageRejectedError – Twitch rejected the message from various checks.

async send_announcement(content: str, *, color: Optional[Literal['blue', 'green', 'orange', 'purple', 'primary']] = None) None

This function is a coroutine.

Send an announcement to the channel associated with this channel as the bot.


The broadcaster of the associated channel must have granted your bot the moderator:manage:announcements scope. See: … for more information.

  • content (str) – The content of the announcement to send. This cannot exceed 500 characters. Announcements longer than 500 characters will be truncated instead by Twitch.

  • color (Literal["blue", "green", "orange", "purple", "primary"] | None) – An optional colour to use for the announcement. If set to "primary” or None the channels accent colour will be used instead. Defaults to None.

Return type



HTTPException – Sending the announcement failed. Could be 400, 401 or any 5xx status code.

async delete_message() None

This function is a coroutine.

Delete the message associated with this context.


The broadcaster of the associated channel must have granted your bot the moderator:manage:chat_messages scope. See: … for more information.


You cannot delete messages from the broadcaster or any moderator, and the message must not be more than 6 hours old.


HTTPException – Twitch failed to remove the message. Could be 400, 401, 403, 404 or any 5xx status code.

async clear_messages() None

This function is a coroutine.

Clear all the chat messages from chat for the channel associated with this context.


The broadcaster of the associated channel must have granted your bot the moderator:manage:chat_messages scope. See: … for more information.


HTTPException – Twitch failed to remove the message. Could be 400, 401, 403, 404 or any 5xx status code.


@ twitchio.ext.commands.command(name: str | None = None, aliases: list[str] | None = None, extras: dict[Any, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which turns a coroutine into a Command which can be used in Component’s or added to a Bot.

Commands are powerful tools which enable bots to process messages and convert the content into mangeable arguments and Context which is parsed to the wrapped callback coroutine.

Commands also benefit to such things as guard()’s and the before and after hooks on both, Component and Bot.

Command callbacks should take in at minimum one parameter, which is Context and is always passed.

  • name (str | None) – An optional custom name to use for this command. If this is None or not passed, the coroutine function name will be used instead.

  • aliases (list[str] | None) – An optional list of aliases to use for this command.

  • extras (dict) – A dict of any data which is stored on this command object. Can be used anywhere you have access to the command object, E.g. in a before or after hook.

  • guards_after_parsing (bool) – An optional bool, indicating whether to run guards after argument parsing has completed. Defaults to False, which means guards will be checked before command arguments are parsed and available.

  • cooldowns_before_guards (bool) – An optional bool, indicating whether to run cooldown guards after all other guards succeed. Defaults to False, which means cooldowns will be checked after all guards have successfully completed.

  • bypass_global_guards (bool) – An optional bool, indicating whether the command should bypass the Bot.global_guard(). Defaults to False.


# When added to a Bot or used in a component you can invoke this command with your prefix, E.g:
# !hi or !howdy

@commands.command(name="hi", aliases=["hello", "howdy"])
async def hi_command(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
  • ValueError – The callback being wrapped is already a command.

  • TypeError – The callback must be a coroutine function.

@ str | None = None, aliases: list[str] | None = None, extras: dict[Any, Any] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which turns a coroutine into a Group which can be used in Component’s or added to a Bot.

Group commands act as parents to other commands (sub-commands).

See: command() for more information on commands.

Group commands are a powerful way of grouping similar sub-commands into a more user friendly interface.

Group callbacks should take in at minimum one parameter, which is Context and is always passed.

  • name (str | None) – An optional custom name to use for this group. If this is None or not passed, the coroutine function name will be used instead.

  • aliases (list[str] | None) – An optional list of aliases to use for this group.

  • extras (dict) – A dict of any data which is stored on this command object. Can be used anywhere you have access to the command object, E.g. in a before or after hook.

  • invoke_fallback (bool) – An optional bool which tells the parent to be invoked as a fallback when no sub-command can be found. Defaults to False.

  • apply_cooldowns (bool) – An optional bool indicating whether the cooldowns on this group are checked before invoking any sub commands. Defaults to True.

  • apply_guards (bool) – An optional bool indicating whether the guards on this group should be ran before invoking any sub commands. Defaults to True.


# When added to a Bot or used in a component you can invoke this group and sub-commands with your prefix, E.g:
# !socials
# !socials discord OR !socials twitch
# When invoke_fallback is True, the parent command will be invoked if a sub-command cannot be found..."socials", invoke_fallback=True)
async def socials_group(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send(",, ...")

@socials_group.command(name="discord", aliases=["disco"])
async def socials_discord(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send("")

async def socials_twitch(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.send("")
  • ValueError – The callback being wrapped is already a command or group.

  • TypeError – The callback must be a coroutine function.

@ twitchio.ext.commands.cooldown(*, base: BaseCooldown, rate: int, per: float, key: Callable[[Any], Hashable] | Callable[[Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Hashable]] | BucketType, **kwargs: Any)

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a Cooldown to a Command.

The parameters of this decorator may change depending on the class passed to the base parameter. The parameters needed for the default built-in classes are listed instead.

When a command is on cooldown or ratelimited, the CommandOnCooldown exception is raised and propagated to all error handlers.

  • base (BaseCooldown) –

    Optional base class to use to construct the cooldown. By default this is the Cooldown class, which implements a Token Bucket Algorithm. Another option is the GCRACooldown class which implements the Generic Cell Rate Algorithm, which can be thought of as similar to a continuous state leaky-bucket algorithm, but instead of updating internal state, calculates a Theoretical Arrival Time (TAT), making it more performant, and dissallowing short bursts of requests. However before choosing a class, consider reading more information on the differences between the Token Bucket and GCRA.

    A custom class which inherits from BaseCooldown could also be used. All keyword-arguments passed to this decorator, minus base and key will also be passed to the constructor of the cooldown base class.

    Useful if you would like to implement your own ratelimiting algorithm.

  • key (Callable[[Any], Hashable] | Callable[[Any], Coroutine[Any, Any, Hashable]] | BucketType) –

    A regular or coroutine function, or BucketType which must return a typing.Hashable used to determine the keys for the cooldown.

    The BucketType implements some default strategies. If your function returns None the cooldown will be bypassed. See below for some examples. By default the key is chatter.

  • rate (int) – An int indicating how many times a command should be allowed per x amount of time. Note the relevance and effects of both rate and per change slightly between algorithms.

  • per (float | datetime.timedelta) –

    A float or datetime.timedelta indicating the length of the time (as seconds) a cooldown window is open.

    E.g. if rate is 2 and per is 60.0, using the default Cooldown class, you will only be able to send two commands per 60 seconds, with the window starting when you send the first command.


Using the default Cooldown to allow the command to be ran twice by an individual chatter, every 10 seconds.

@commands.cooldown(rate=2, per=10, key=commands.BucketType.chatter)
async def hello(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:

Using a custom key to bypass cooldowns for certain users.

def bypass_cool(ctx: commands.Context) -> typing.Hashable | None:
    # Returning None will bypass the cooldown

        return None

    # For everyone else, return and call the default chatter strategy
    # This strategy returns a tuple of (channel/, to use as the unique key
    return commands.BucketType.chatter(ctx)

@commands.cooldown(rate=2, per=10, key=bypass_cool)
async def hello(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:

Using a custom function to implement dynamic keys.

async def custom_key(ctx: commands.Context) -> typing.Hashable | None:
    # As an example, get some user info from a database with the chatter...
    # This is just to showcase a use for an async version of a custom key...

    # Example column in database...
    if row["should_bypass_cooldown"]:
        return None

    # Note: Returing is equivalent to commands.BucketType.user NOT commands.BucketType.chatter
    # which uses the channel ID and User ID together as the key...

@commands.cooldown(rate=1, per=300, key=custom_key)
async def hello(ctx: commands.Context) -> None:


twitchio.ext.commands.guard(predicate:[[...], bool] |[[...],[Any, Any, bool]]) Any

A function which takes in a predicate as a either a standard function or coroutine function which should return either True or False, and adds it to your Command as a guard.

The predicate function should take in one parameter, commands.Context, the context used in command invocation.

If the predicate function returns False, the chatter will not be able to invoke the command and an error will be raised. If the predicate function returns True the chatter will be able to invoke the command, assuming all the other guards also pass their predicate checks.

Guards can also raise custom exceptions, however your exception should inherit from GuardFailure which will allow your exception to propagate successfully to error handlers.

Any number of guards can be used on a Command and all must pass for the command to be successfully invoked.

All guards are executed in the specific order displayed below:


Guards are checked and ran after all command arguments have been parsed and converted, but before any before_invoke hooks are ran.

It is easy to create simple decorator guards for your commands, see the examples below.

Some built-in helper guards have been premade, and are listed below:


def is_cool():
    def predicate(ctx: commands.Context) -> bool:

    return commands.guard(predicate)

async def cool(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.reply("You are cool...!")

GuardFailure – The guard predicate returned False and prevented the chatter from using the command.

@ twitchio.ext.commands.is_owner() Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a guard() to a Command.

This guards adds a predicate which prevents any chatter from using a command who does is not the owner of this bot. You can set the owner of the bot via owner_id.


GuardFailure – The guard predicate returned False and prevented the chatter from using the command.

@ twitchio.ext.commands.is_staff() Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a guard() to a Command.

This guards adds a predicate which prevents any chatter from using a command who does not possess the Twitch Staff badge.


GuardFailure – The guard predicate returned False and prevented the chatter from using the command.

@ twitchio.ext.commands.is_broadcaster() Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a guard() to a Command.

This guards adds a predicate which prevents any chatter from using a command who does not possess the Broadcaster badge.

See also, is_elevated() for a guard to allow the broadcaster, any moderator or VIP chatter to use the command.


GuardFailure – The guard predicate returned False and prevented the chatter from using the command.

@ twitchio.ext.commands.is_moderator() Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a guard() to a Command.

This guards adds a predicate which prevents any chatter from using a command who does not possess the Moderator badge.

See also, is_elevated() for a guard to allow the broadcaster, any moderator or VIP chatter to use the command.


GuardFailure – The guard predicate returned False and prevented the chatter from using the command.

@ twitchio.ext.commands.is_vip() Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a guard() to a Command.

This guards adds a predicate which prevents any chatter from using a command who does not possess the VIP badge.


Due to a Twitch limitation, moderators and broadcasters can not be VIPs, another guard has been made to help aid in allowing these members to also be seen as VIP, see: is_elevated().


GuardFailure – The guard predicate returned False and prevented the chatter from using the command.

@ twitchio.ext.commands.is_elevated() Any

This function is a decorator.

A decorator which adds a guard() to a Command.

This guards adds a predicate which prevents any chatter from using a command who does not posses one or more of the folowing badges: broadcaster, moderator or VIP.


The chatter only needs 1 of the badges to pass the guard.


# This command can be run by anyone with broadcaster, moderator OR VIP status...

async def test(self, ctx: commands.Context) -> None:
    await ctx.reply("You are allowed to use this command!")

GuardFailure – The guard predicate returned False and prevented the chatter from using the command.


class twitchio.ext.commands.BaseCooldown

Base class used to implement your own cooldown algorithm for use with cooldown().

Some built-in cooldown algorithms already exist:


Every base method must be implemented in this base class.

abstract reset() None

Base method which should be implemented to reset the cooldown.

abstract update(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) float | None

Base method which should be implemented to update the cooldown/ratelimit.

This is where your algorithm logic should be contained.


This method should always return a float or None. If None is returned by this method, the cooldown will be considered bypassed.


  • float – The time needed to wait before you are off cooldown.

  • None – Bypasses the cooldown.

abstract copy() Self

Base method which should be implemented to return a copy of this class in it’s original state.

abstract is_ratelimited(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) bool

Base method which should be implemented which returns a bool indicating whether the cooldown is ratelimited.


A bool indicating whether this cooldown is currently ratelimited.

Return type


abstract is_dead(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) bool

Base method which should be implemented to indicate whether the cooldown should be considered stale and allowed to be removed from the bucket: cooldown mapping.


A bool indicating whether this cooldown is stale/old.

Return type


class twitchio.ext.commands.Cooldown(*, rate: int, per: float | datetime.timedelta)

Default cooldown algorithm for cooldown(), which implements a Token Bucket Algorithm.

See: cooldown() for more documentation.

class twitchio.ext.commands.GCRACooldown(*, rate: int, per: float | datetime.timedelta)

GCRA cooldown algorithm for cooldown(), which implements the GCRA ratelimiting algorithm.

See: cooldown() for more documentation.

class twitchio.ext.commands.BucketType

Enum representing default implementations for the key argument in cooldown().


The cooldown will be considered a global cooldown shared across every channel and user.


The cooldown will apply per user, accross all channels.


The cooldown will apply to every user/chatter in the channel.


The cooldown will apply per user, per channel.